22 ene 2011

Bref Historique du Lechuguino

Painter 11 & PSCS4
Speedcomic drawing: 1h30min/ painting 3h

Dedicado a Rodri (Aka "el Negro") que recientemente
 se ha convertido al veganismo ultraderechista 

3 comentarios:

  1. nice colors, drawing, and the idea, although I'm not sure what is in the final balloon:)

  2. hahahah thanks! well the final balloon said somthig like this:
    -Small Lettuce!!! My son!!! How many times have I told you not to eat the hair unseasoned!!!


all works of this blog by ·:AKENO OMOKOTO:· is licensed under a creative commons reconocimiento-no comercial 3.0 españa license all works of this blog